Category Archives: Down on the Farm

Baby Faces Down on the Farm

Last Sunday, my Cowboy and I rode around taking pictures of all the cute baby calves and their mamas. Which baby face do you think is the cutest? Baby Face #1 Baby Face #2 Baby Face #3 Baby Face #4 Baby Face #5 Baby Face #6 Baby Face #7 Baby Face #8 Baby Face #9 […]

White Plains Pastoral

I’ve just discovered PicMonkey, and I’m having way too much fun recreating some of my favorite pictures. In 2009, my oldest son was away at boot camp. I prepared long, elaborate newsletters peppered with pictures of home. Not only did he covet the pictures and news from home, he passed the newsletters around to his buddies […]

Wrangling Cows in the Mud

Somehow I’ve been roped back into wrangling cows. Not sure how it happened, but last week I became the spotter for all the baby calves born on the Hillman ranch. The last few years, I managed to wriggle out of the responsibility around the farm because I had a full-time job, but now that I’m […]

Taming Yellow

The yellow tomcat stared at me, wary eyes unblinking as I crept closer. Suddenly, he crouched, and before I could move, he darted away, only to stop at the edge of the yard, ready to flee at a moment’s notice. I turned and walked back into the house, only to peer through the window to […]

Cowboy Chic Decor ala Hillman Style

I was looking around my den the other day and thought about removing some of the …uh… decorations, but decided to embrace the Cowboy Chic Decor instead. And, just so you know, not a ONE of the following pictures was staged. They were captured on digital film in their natural habitat. The den, or as […]

Cowboys or Farmers?

What’s the difference? I was raised on a dairy farm, but my parents also raised beef cattle, so I guess Daddy was a farmer AND a rancher. Most people think of farmers as those who grow crops, run a dairy, or grow pigs, sheep, chickens, etc. On the other hand, a cowboy is the guy […]

Crimson Clover

After passing a field of clover every day, I took these pictures of a rolling field of crimson clover the other day. A few weeks later, the clover was gone, and the owners cut the field for hay, but it was beautiful while it lasted. I wonder what pioneer women thought of when they passed […]

Down on the farm

Hey, all you modern day farm guys and gals! What’s the strangest or scariest thing that’s ever happened to you on the farm, or that was farm related? My dh tells of the time a steer got out of the ring at the stockyard on Labor Day weekend (meaning the place was PACKED) and shot […]