Category Archives: Fun Stuff

Wallflower Writer to the Rescue

Have you ever been somewhere where you felt out of place? Maybe in a group setting where it seems like everyone has paired off in groups chatting, connecting, having fun, but you feel left out, maybe even unwanted? I don’t know about you, but I have. As a matter of fact, when I was younger, […]

Taming Yellow

The yellow tomcat stared at me, wary eyes unblinking as I crept closer. Suddenly, he crouched, and before I could move, he darted away, only to stop at the edge of the yard, ready to flee at a moment’s notice. I turned and walked back into the house, only to peer through the window to […]

Poem: Today I Marry My Friend

I wrote this poem years ago for Melissa and Joel’s wedding. Thought I’d share it with y’all! I’m not much of a poet, but I do love this poem. Also, I don’t know a thing about proper punctuation for poetry (is there such a thing?), so forgive my liberties. I put spacing and ellipses where […]

ACFW Conference: Tons of Fun and No Sin Involved

Just recently, we hosted VBS at our church. At the end of the week, one of the girls told her grandmother, “We had so much fun and there was no sin involved.” We all got a kick out of her comment, but then realized how true (and wonderful!) her observation is! Isn’t it great that […]