Category Archives: Holidays

Daddy’s Girl

What do you think about when you hear the phrase ‘Daddy’s Girl’? Do you visualize a princess in pink taffeta twirling before her beaming father? Or a little girl, hands encased in pristine white gloves, serving pretend tea in a tiny plastic teacup while her daddy balances on a chair so small he’s in serious […]

Daddy’s Girl

What do you think about when you hear the phrase ‘Daddy’s Girl’? Do you visualize a princess in pink taffeta twirling before her beaming father? Or a little girl, hands encased in pristine white gloves, serving pretend tea in a tiny plastic teacup while her daddy balances on a chair so small he’s in serious […]

Have Butter Beans, Will Travel

This “nostalgic” piece was one of my first articles published years ago in Mississippi Magazine (June/July 2002). Not only am I sharing a piece that was written twenty years ago, but the events in the article happened 40+ years ago. So that’s a trip down memory lane within a trip down memory lane. What fun! […]

Merry Christmas from Pam

As I reflect over this past year, even on those days that I’m running in a gazillion different directions and worried about this or that, and all the things I feel need to get done, I stop, take a deep breath and feel the joy of love, life, and family bubbling up. As my mom would say, none of […]

God Bless America

Many a quill has been dipped, much ink spilled, to convey Americans’ love of the land we call home. Pride wells up inside and spills out onto the parchment of books, poetry, and song. “The Star-Spangled Banner” is so beautiful, so poignant, that it never ceases to reach deep inside and tug at my heartstrings. […]

What’s in YOUR Stocking?

Special thanks to Tina Radcliffe for this cutie-pie stocking stuffer she made for me. Isn’t it adorable??And don’t forget, I’m blogging at Tyndale House blog ALL WEEK this week. Yesterday, Monday, December 17th was a Q&A session.Today, Tuesday, December 18th I have an interview with the lovely Shaina Turner, and Wednesday, December 19th, I’ll be discussing Digital First vs. Digital Only.  Shaina wraps […]

Decorating, finally…

I enjoy decorating given the time, so today I took off a day from work and started trying to put the house in order for Christmas. I don’t cover every surface, just have a few things I like to put out. My upright piano is decorated. It’s really old. One of these days I’m going […]