As I reflect over this past year, even on those days that I’m running in a gazillion different directions and worried about this or that, and all the things I feel need to get done, I stop, take a deep breath and feel the joy of love, life, and family bubbling up. As my mom would say, none of that stuff is worth a hill of beans! I stop all the madness of buying and decorating and trying to create what the world sees as the perfect Christmas and look at my grandbabies (wild with Christmas excitement is an understatement!) running around my house pulling out the baby rock-n-play, play mats, strollers, and high chair that they’re too big for, climbing in the baby walker and saying “I’m a baby. Goo-gaa!” and giggling to beat sixty. Then they empty the toy box and create a minefield of toys strewn across the den. But it’s all okay. It’s more than okay. ![]() Then I’m reminded of us being quarantined a couple of months ago due to Covid, and one of my grandbabies (going on 3), piped up out of the blue, “I miss Pammy and Mimi, and Cowpaw, too.” (Mimi is the cat). Melted my heart when her mama texted me what that sweet little angel had said! I can’t help but laugh over the laughter and giggles when the oldest grandgirl (almost 5) asked me to find the “funny faces” filters on Snapchat so she could chat with her dad while he was in a deer stand. (Sorry, dad!) But he was a champ and kept sending funny faces back, including his face on a dancing deer. Hmmmm… Or they decorate the tree and all the ornaments are situated below the 3’ mark, and all grouped together in one place. And a few get broken. But that’s okay. And then all the snowmen and Santas end up not on the tree, but on the end table with Frosty and his “girlfriend”, Snowflake, according to the almost 5 year old. And the joy of watching them decide where to display the nativity scenes … and you realize they picked the perfect spot. ![]() Amidst all the chaos of finding pizza toppings on the floor and a Yahoo that’s been stepped on, squirting chocolate liquid across the carpet like a firehose, I realize how blessed I am that my grands are all healthy and that I am privileged to spend time with them every week. I treasure this time with them, knowing it’s fleeting. I think about my elderly mother who’s had some health scares this year, unrelated to Covid-19, but nonetheless compounded by the challenges of the pandemic. I thank the Lord that she’s SO much better, and she’s still with us. My mind goes to my in-laws who are in a similar situation, but are still with us. I feel blessed that even though most of my immediate family has been sick with Covid, we came through it. But, even as I type this, we’ll be laying a cousin to rest tomorrow, the day before Christmas. So there is definitely heart-wrenching sadness this Christmas season. I know multiple friends who’ve lost love ones throughout this year, some due to Covid, others due to tragedy, or after a battle with a chronic health problem. So, there are tears and sadness lurking just beneath the surface for those who are hurting. They (you, perhaps) are in my thoughts and prayers. ![]() Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and God’s blessings on you and yours! Pam |
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